Latest Past Events

Mystic Witch Metaphysical Market

Medallion Hotel Medallion Hotel

Come join us for the “Mystic Witch” vendor market by Metaphysical Market on Saturday June 15th at the Medallion Hotel in Arlington, WA from 11-4pm for a magical time! At this event, you will find vendors that will have: Rocks & Gems, Jewelry, Soaps, Candles, Art, Homemade Items, Reiki & Healers, Mediums, aura photography, apparel, […]

Witches Day Out Metaphysical Market

Medallion Hotel Medallion Hotel

Come join us for the “Witches Day Out” Vendor market by Metaphysical Market on Saturday June 1st at the Medallion Hotel in Arlington, WA from 11-4pm for a magical time! At this event, you will find vendors that will have: Rocks & Gems, Jewelry, Soaps, Candles, Art, Homemade Items, Reiki & Healers, Mediums, aura photography, […]

Flower Moon Witchy Metaphysical Market

Medallion Hotel Medallion Hotel

Come join us for the “Flower Moon Witchy” Vendor market by Metaphysical Market on Saturday May 18th at the Medallion Hotel in Arlington, WA from 11-4pm for a magical time! At this event, you will find vendors that will have: Rocks & Gems, Jewelry, Soaps, Candles, Art, Homemade Items, Reiki & Healers, Mediums, aura photography, […]

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